5b. Creating and sending package using pkgsend(1)

Image Packaging System

Michal Pryc (michal.pryc [At sun.com)

Wednesday, June 25th 2008; 14:30-17:30

1. Information
2. Task
3. Working solution
4. References

1. Information

This part will show how to create package and send this package to the repository using pkgsend(1) command.

The official instructions can be found:
The Publication Client pkgsend(1)
How to Create and Publish an IPS Package

2. Task

Your task is to create simple package, which contains three files:

mkdir package
touch package/myapp
touch package/myapp2
touch package/document

Those files should be installed as follows:
package/myapp should be installed as usr/bin/myapp with root/bin ownership and 0755 permissions. package/myapp2 should be installed as usr/bin/myapp3 with root/bin ownership and 0755 permissions. package/document should be installed as usr/share/myapp/data/document.html with root/sys ownership and 0444 permissions.

3. Working solution

Working solution for this task can be foundHERE.

4. References

Create your own OpenSolaris IPS repository in a Weekend (Michal Pryc's blog):

1. Part 5: Sending Solaris packages to the IPS repository #1