4a. Common Build Environment - Introduction

Image Packaging System

Michal Pryc (michal.pryc [At sun.com)

Wednesday, June 25th 2008; 14:30-17:30

1. Information
2. Instructions
3. Already existing spec-files
4. References

1. Information

The Common Build Environment (CBE) is a set of build tools required to build GNOME, Mozilla, Evolution and other packages on Solaris using build instructions, which are RPM-like files. The build packages are in the SVR4 package format, which can be simply published in the repository. This is one of the tasks during this tutorial.

This part of the tutorial will show how to use pkgtool to build a package and how to solve few problems which may occure.

2. Instructions

This section will present few commands used in this part of the tutorial.

For instructions what command line options are available please follow those two steps:

Switch to the CBE environment:

$ source /opt/jdsbld/bin/env.sh

Get pkgtool help:

$ pkgtool --help

Build examples with pkgtool

Download all the community source tarballs needed to build the SUNWgnome-panel package:

$ pkgtool download SUNWgnome-panel.spec

Download, build, and install all the packages in the correct order:

$ pkgtool --download build-install *.spec

Uninstall packages SUNWgnome-utils and SUNWgnome-config-editor:

$ pkgtool uninstall-pkgs SUNWgnome-utils.spec SUNWgnome-config-editor.spec

Build the SUNWgnome-img-viewer package, but don't install it:

$ pkgtool build-only SUNWgnome-img-viewer.spec

3. Already existing spec-files

Below is the list of already existing spec-files for use with CBE, so you can download and build them:

SFE - spec-files-extra
$ svn co https://pkgbuild.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pkgbuild/spec-files-extra/trunk

JDS - GNOME-based desktop
$ svn co svn+ssh://anon@svn.opensolaris.org/svn/jds/spec-files/trunk

Xfce - A lightweight desktop environment
$ svn co svn+ssh://anon@svn.opensolaris.org/svn/xfce/spec-files-xfce/trunk

4. References

1. JDS Common Build Environment

2. JDS CBE download center

3. SFE - spec-files-extra

Create your own OpenSolaris IPS repository in a Weekend (Michal Pryc's blog):

4. Part 1: Common Build Environment

5. Part 2: Building Packages Using CBE